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Chinese Zodiac

The I Ching Online explanation for the Zodiac sign...


Goat Zodiac

Goat - South India 2011
Lex van den Bos

Belgian goat
St. Martens-Voeren 2010
Lex van den Bos

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

Born under the sign of art.
A soft and easy character makes him adapt to all circumstances, and is by nature dependent.
Intuïtive and full of subtlety he cultivates beauty.
Precise and perfectionist, who sometimes misses method.
This can direct to spiritual affairs.
Leaves responsibility behind (as an artist he can as well be supported by a Maecenas), and fears initiatives, but if necessary he can, with a great deal of verve and economic insight, take the lead in a business, because the will to come to a good end is present, particularly when he knows that he can avoid disagreement in this way.

To keep his sacred rest, he forgives easily, but finds it difficult to admit to be in error, and then reality can become quite nasty, and even ugly.
Moody and full of phantasy.
In love it is superficial and turbulent, and marriage does not make much difference to him.
In order to succeed he must defeat a tendency to instability and excentricity.
It is favorable when it rains on the day he is born.

Compatible signs: Rabbit, Pig and Horse

Goat eating banana

Goat eating banana, Mammalapuram South-India 2011
photo Juanita van den Bos

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