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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...


Hexagram 62
Hsiao Kuo - Preponderance of the Small

yin above: Chên / The Arousing, Thunder
yin below: Kên / Keeping Still, Mountain


Hexagram Sixty-Two/Line Five

Six in the fifth place means:
Dense clouds,
No rain from our western territory.
The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave.

Drifting Clouds

'Drifting Clouds' - Caspar David Friedrich - 1820

As a high place is pictured here, the image of a flying bird has become that of flying clouds. But dense as the clouds are, they race across the sky and give no rain. Similarly, in exceptional times there may be a born ruler who is qualified to set the world in order, but who cannot achieve anything or confer blessing on the people because he stands alone and has no helpers. In such times a man must seek out helpers with whose aid he can carry out the task. But these helpers must be modestly sought out in the retirement to which they have withdrawn. It is not their fame nor their great names but their genuine achievements that are important. Through such modesty the right man is found, and the exceptional task is carried out in spite of all difficulties.

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