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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 38
K'uei - Opposition

yin above: Li / The Clinging, Flame
yang below: Tui / The Joyous, Lake
I Ching Online


Hexagram Thirty-Eight/Line Five

Six in the fifth place means:
Remorse disappears.
The companion bites his way through the wrappings.
If one goes to him,
How could it be a mistake?

Columbian ground squirrel

Columbian ground squirrel

Coming upon a sincere man, one fails to recognize him at first because of the general estrangement. However, he bites his way through the wrappings that are causing the separation. When such a companion thus reveals himself in his true character, it is one's duty to go to meet him and to work with him.

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