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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 56
Lü - The Wanderer

yin above: Li / The Clinging, Fire
yin below: Kên / Keeping Still, Mountain


Hexagram Fifty-Six/Line Two

Six in the second place means:
The wanderer comes to an inn.
He has his property with him.
He wins the steadfastness1 of a young servant.

An Old Inn Kitchen

'An Old Inn Kitchen', 1922, by Frederick William Elwell (1870-1958)

The wanderer here described is modest and reserved. He does not lose touch with his inner being, hence he finds a resting place. In the outside world he does not lose the liking of other people, hence all persons further him, so that he can acquire property. Moreover, he wins the allegiance of a faithful and trustworthy servant – a thing of inestimable value to a wanderer.

1. [Literally, "perseverance".]

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